'Playing Naturally' helps performers access integrated balance between instrument and player.
Our balance is often disturbed by habits which interfere with good coordination. 'Playing Naturally' offers Alexander Technique lessons which help us recognise negative patterns of movement and learn to develop new, considered means in alleviating pain and discomfort.
The Alexander Technique facilitates freedom and clarity of intention as opposed to automatic repetition. Breaking habits allows us to be more in control, more present and more connected to both instrument and audience.
I teach at two locations in London, SW8 Vauxhall and the London Centre for Alexander Technique and Training (LCATT) in N5 Canonbury.
First consultation lasts approximately an hour.
Follow-up lessons approximately 50 minutes.
All lessons cost £70. There is a six lessons package available with a 50% discount on the sixth lesson.
For more information or to book lessons, please contact by clicking the button below and entering your details.